Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group Meeting #2

We had our second grup meeting today, so we had the chance to see the work of other people of the class and talk about their progress. I always find this meetings really useful as talking to people outside of our teams makes the environment more "casual", allowing ideas to flow really easily. So lets dive into it. 

(team meeting pic) 

We are finally in the final stages of our project. Missing only color grading, credits and tittles. So I was able to show a really advanced edit of my project. I explained to the group how every shot looked really different from each other so it was of big importance to fix this. They agreed but in the first few shots they didn't noticed it. As we reached the mark of 1 minute the difference became more noticeable. This is somenthing my team and I are  aware of, as the final shots were takken at 12pm with the sun in a different position than the first few shots. 

(the diference is really noticeable in the color of the sky, and the color of the grass)

I also said how sometimes the color of our character looked really orange due to the colorgrading, but they thought it wasn't a big problem. I still believe we should fix it. The main issue is that we changed the overall temperature of the footage, affecting also skin color and elements like sky and grass. We should've changed color by color ussing adjustment layers. Making the process more clinical. 

Looking at the footage of other people was a really nice experience. An assignment with total freedom regarding what type of story we wanted to tell is really exciting to watch. As the diversity of stories is massive. It also made me feel really proud for the ambition of our project. But I also got to see some other ambitious projects, there was a person that also went to record outside, and made an apocalypse story. For this project I didn't had any negative feedback to give. To some extent because she didn't show the whole thing but also because it did look pretty good. The other members of the discussion were not able to show their projects as they didn't had their laptobs with them. But they were able to explain me about the CCR. Which was really useful as I missed the explanation at class because I was in a competition in Tampa. 

They explained me how we had to answer four different questions in at least two videos. Non of them really knew what they were going to do and I felt a little bit scared as I had even less time to think of this, BUT, (big but) I came with a really cool idea that I'll develope in a blogpost this week. 

To conclude. Pretty useful group meeting. It allowed me to see the strengths of my project, how to boost them and how to fix its weaknesses. Sharing this information with the group im working for my project will be useful as an outside opinion on it will make the points made on our weaknesses more valuable. 

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