Thursday, March 13, 2025

CCR first idea

 Hey, I just found out what a CCR was the on March 12. Scary. I wasn't at school when my teacher explained because I was in Tampa at STN. Lovely trip, but making up work sucks. Most when it is somenthing as important as this huge project that AICE media has. 

(little pic of y STN team)

I came up with an idea that could answer one of the questions really easily, and maybe another one. Its going to be a hard script to write but the creativity of it compensates it. My idea is doing a cooking/recipe video. 

Pretty weird idea but let me explain. The two questions i want to answer are: How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? and How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? The idea to answer this with a cooking video is to make a recepie that represents certain culture, a classical recepi. This with the idea of making a paralelism between it and the western, a classical american genre. The ingredients of the plate would be the conventions that we use, and a secret ingrdient would represent how we challenge convention. This works as our main element to challenge convention is that our main character is a woman. This ofocurse affects the piece in deeper levels, but in a basic one, it is just a single element.  

This is a really creative idea but in order to dive really deep into the answers I have to write a really good script. My idea to maybe make it more simple is to use match cuts, to transition between kitchen and western. I would for example cut somenthing with a knife in the kitchen and I would cut the same thing outside. I would tilt to me showing a change of outfit, from kitchen clothes to a western outift so I can adress the topic more directly, making it easier. I could use elements like idk the sauce its almost ready to cut back to the kitchen and keep both narratives at the same time. 

i really like this idea, and I believe it matches what I was explained. The main things I was asked to do was to make somenthing original. And my teacher said how eating food videos were not a good idea, so I thought on maybe cooking. And I also took it one step furder. So I believe this would be awesome. 

I have no clue what to to for the other one though. 

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CCR planning

 In this blog post I'll be presenting my basic idea for the CCR. I have one which I really like, and I'll stick with it no matter wh...