In this blog post I'll be presenting my basic idea for the CCR. I have one which I really like, and I'll stick with it no matter what, while the other still needs to be developed and might change in the future as Im not completely convinced by it.
This idea would be great. As it is has a creative format and I didn't see anything like it in the examples. The examples had a characteristic of having a really straightforward way of exposing the information. This more creative format would make it a little bit hard, as I have a cooking narrative. But with the idea that I describe of the match cuts, I would open a door to talkdirectly to the audience about the topic.
I have to make a really good script but I believe both narratives can coexist and make each other better, in a really creative way that wont compromise the quality of the content. As it would be my priority in every moment.
I would seek to constantly change to the western POV so I can develop deeper into answering my questions. And cooking part would work mainly as a bridge towards answering this questions. This way as mentioned before the content (answers to the questions) will have the importance they deserve. The cooking introduction would mainly be used as a comic resourse and an stylistic one. I would like to offer a big sense of contrast to enhace the change of scenarios and as well enhace the importance of the answers. As contrast generates focus.
For this the cooking scenes would have a fancy look, and a warm illumination, while the western ones will be recorded outside with natural light, and with a natural background.
It is an ambitious idea but I'll talk to my teacher and I'll make it work.
I see a really funny sketch of this in my mind but I would really have to work on this script to make it work. It would be really like a shortfilm so really explain and expose the answers for my CCR might be too complicated. The examples I saw were really simple ones so I want to go with ambitious stuff but maybe this wont work.
I want to change this idea in the future as the composition of it didn't flowed as natural in my head as the other one did.
In search of diferent answers I explored diferent concepts. Finding one which I really like but another one that is a little pretencious considering what is asked. One can be really creative but has to take into account what are the basic requirements. I'll take this into account as I continue developing my CCR.
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