Tuesday, August 27, 2024



I’m working on this blog for a class at school (AICE Media Studies). I’ll be documenting the process of my project, where I have to create the beginning of a film from scratch. My experience with filmmaking is relatively short. I’ve made some small projects, both personal and for school; and It’s something I really enjoy and want to keep doing.

Films were always in my life; I grew up watching tons of movies and admiring the directors behind them. I would go to the cinema with my parents and really enjoy the little talks we had after every film. Over time, film became something more personal, something of my own. I started going to the movies by myself and enjoyed it even more.

I come from Colombia, a country where filmmaking is really limited. The government doesn't support culture enough to build an industry of its own. Also, filmmakers don't have a lot of diversity in the topics they explore in their films, making it a small industry from every possible angle. I moved to America in January this year, and I'm looking forward to take advantage of all the opportunities the country with the biggest film industry can offer.

To sum up, films are my biggest passion; so more than just doing this project for a class, I’m doing it because I want to.

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