As part of our post production process, we noticed that some shots didn't flowed as well as they should. We needed some extras shots to connect them. We also forgot to bring prop the first day. The prop was the picture of the me playing the son of the guy who was killed, being a really important point for our story. So yeah basically we we had to go for another shooting day.
In our film opening we used diferent elements as transitions, all of them had intentions. Ofcourses fades between some shots to show the passing of time. Others we used a symbolic match cut. In which we transitioned from the crucifix to the cross that would be used as a tombstone.
This experience basically shows how planning is important. We did overshoot thhe first time. But even with this we had to go again. This beccause our planning wasn't as good as it should. So the overshooting couldn't fill every problem. As the problem was down in the structure. We had to plan more shots, and as we added some new shots during shooting the problems to be solved simply multiplied. I believe that the things we added to the script had a lot of value so I don't complain but we definitely need to make a stronger planning in orther to don't face this problems again. It is true that due to the lack of dialogue our film openning is a little bit harder to record as it solely depends on visual narrative, but just because of this our planning should be even better to enhace this visual story telling.
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