Sunday, March 2, 2025


 Props in set where really useful, as we didn't shoot in a complete location that give away the western idea, we had to use useful props. The dressing being one of the most important ones. It quickly stablished time period and genre. To some extent it lso helped with our character's development and charcterization. As the hat and bandana helped hide, the genre of ou main character. Gender roles being an important topic in our piece. Costume design was a tool to enhace its importance. 

The shovel was another important prop as it was key to stablish the plot and tone. This through symbolism as it is usually asociated with death. The zack that has the body also helps with this. As it enhaces the idea of death. It also was used to craft another prop tht enhaces even more death. 

This propt came as an answer to the lack of dirt (another we used). We bought some dirt as we couldn't dig in the park we were shooting. So we could have a pile of dirt and throw the bag (body) behind it and prettend there was a hole, as the pile of dirt would hide the body. But we didn't had enough dirt for that, so we had to craft this cross to reinforce the idea that someone was burried. 

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