After all the process described in the past blogposts, our footage was the final outcome. Before diving deep into it I have to say Im really happy with how it went. As mentioned in the past posts, the footage has a lot of every member of the team. As all of us influenced in the final product. But the final product doesn't feel like a clash between everyones individuality, but a cooperation to preserve a specific aestetic. This was possible due to the deep research and understanding of the western genre of all of the members of the group. We all understood really important two aspects that our footage should have: dramatism, and transmit loneliness.
The dramatism would be transmited mainly through a slow movement in our main character. Which was achieved through direction and performance. It was easy in walking scenes, but for the shots in which our main character was diggging it was a little hard. And we had to play a lot with camera angles and several directions. In moments like this is where having the three of us directing to some extend was useful. As one approach towards the actor could be easier to replicate, allowing us to get in camera exactly what we wanted.
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